Yes, believe it or not, there is a "Method to our Madness" at CCS Webmarketing!
We have to understand the focus of the website you have in mind. This means we undertake consultative probing for the scope, the content, the look and feel of your site such as: Who is your intended audience? What are your goals for the site? Do you have a picture in your minds eye of your site? What is your competition doing right now? Do you need hosting, domain names, a database, or maybe an e-store?
Questions, questions, questions&we ask a lot of them to pinpoint your exact needs and desires. We take great pride in customizing your site so that it is pleasing to you, marketable to your intended audience and can be found by the search engines. We accomplish these objectives with our 5-step development method. This tried and true method brings your site to fruition.
Any questions? Contact us